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Last update: September 04, 2024. ( --- Episode 25 --- ) Or go to Page 01?

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 17)

1 月も終わりに近くなっちゃいました。皆さん、どんなお正月をお過ごしだったでしょうか。日本では大変な出来事がありました。令和6年能登半島地震で被災された皆さまに、心よりお見舞い申し上げます。

2024 年の最初の曲は "Halo" になります。今回から聴くことが出来る長さを 2 分に延長します。ぜひお聴きください。そして、感想などをいただけると嬉しいです。

It's almost the end of January. What kind of New Year's did you all have? There was a very sad and terrible disaster in Japan. I would like to express my deepest sympathies to everyone affected by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

The first song of 2024 is "Halo." From now on, I extended the length, you can listen to, to two minutes. Please listen to it. And I would be happy to receive your feedback.

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 18)

長い夜にはしっとりしたバラードはいかがでしょうか? クリーンギターをメインにした次の曲のタイトルは "Light and Shadow" です。2 分の短縮バージョンでお聴きください。

How about a soothing ballad on a long night? The title of the next song, which features clean guitar, is "Light and Shadow." Please listen to the shortened 2-minute version.

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 19)

最近では温かい日も増えてきましたね。今回ご紹介する曲は、Apricot Bloom という曲名になります。どことなく春っぽくて暖かな感覚を感じていただけたら幸いです。花粉症にはつらい季節ですけどね。

Warm days has increased recently. The song I introduce today is called "Apricot Bloom". It's good if you could feel a warm and spring-like feeling. It's a tough season for hay fever though.

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 20)

少し前の写真ですが、クリスマスローズです。植えてから 10 年ほど経ちますが、こぼれ種でどんどん増えていくくらい強健です。ほぼ放置していますが、毎年、きれいに咲いてくれます。
さて、今回の曲は "Empty Blue Glass" といいます。静かさの中に、明るくさを生み出すパワーを感じられる曲になったと思います。

This is a photo from a while ago, but it's a Christmas rose (Helleborus niger). It's been about 10 years since I planted it, but it's so strong that it's growing with spilled seeds. I mostly leave it alone, but it blooms beautifully every year.
Now, today's song is called "Empty Blue Glass." I think it's a song that lets you feel the power to create brightness in quietness.

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 21)

今日、ご紹介する曲は「Heat Transfer II (remix)」です。少しハードなブリテッシュ・ロック風ですが、ボーカルはありませんので、ご了承ください。私としては特にリフの部分が気に入ってます。いつものように 2 分のバージョンでどうぞ。感想などありませたら、ぜひ聞かせてください。しかしまあ、このところは暑い日が続いています。まるで真夏のようです。

The song I'd like to introduce today is "Heat Transfer II (remix)." It's a bit of a hard British rock style, but please note that there is no vocal. I especially like the riff part. As always, here's his 2 minute version. If you have any impressions, please let us know. But well, it's been hot here lately. It's like midsummer.

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 22)

今回の曲は「Lunar Eclipse」です。

The moon is very beautiful when viewed from afar, but it takes a long time to get there. If I actually could gone there... I could have realize the beauty of the Earth for the first time....
The song this time is "Lunar Eclipse".

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 23)

曲を作りました。タイトルは "JB"。

It was a while ago, but when I knew he had passed away, I felt like my arms had been ripped off. He was one of my favorite artist. His style was unique, impossible to imitate. It was not only fresh but also particularly powerful, sometimes beautiful, with the extraordinary ability to fascinate everyone.
I wrote a song. The title is "JB".

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 24)

毎日とても暑いです。外に出る気も起こりません。もう少し涼しければ、散歩でもする気になれるのですが・・・。まだしばらく、この気候は続きそうです。氷でも頬張りながら乗り越えましょう。くれぐれも無理しないように。今回の曲は、「Get on the stick」。涼しい部屋でお聴きくださいませ。

It's quite hot every day. I don't feel like going out. If it were a little colder, I'd like to go for a walk... This weather appears to be here to stay. Let's get over it with ice in my mouth. Please do not push yourself too much. This time, the song is called "Get on the Stick". Please listen in a cool room.

DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 25)


The hot weather is still continuing. It also seems like this year has been much more abnormal, with earthquakes, typhoons, record-breaking short-term heavy rains, and so on. Can these also be the result of global warming? I strongly believe that we must at least protect and maintain the present environment.

今回の曲は「The Yellow Horse」。ギターリフが印象的な、ロックテイストの曲です。

The song this time is "The Yellow Horse," It's a rock-style song with an impressive guitar riff.

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