自分が、そもそもパソコンで楽曲制作を始めたのは 2000 年より少し前ぐらいだったように思います。当時はまだパソコンの能力が十分では無かったので、ハード音源を別途用意して音を鳴らす、MIDI (Musical Instruments Digital Interface) による作成方法でした。音色数も少ないし、音質に関しても十分に納得出来のものではありませんでした。また、聴き手側のハードによっては意図した音とは全く別の音色で鳴ったり、いろいろな制限や困りごとがありました。また、ギターなどの楽器を演奏したものを録音して入力、なんていうことは出来ませんでした。それでも、パソコンである程度の音色を、自由に奏でられるという点では、大きな技術革新だと感じたものでした。
It was a little before 2000 when I first started making music on PC. At that time, the performance of PC was not yet sufficient, so the production method was only MIDI (Musical Instruments Digital Interface), in which a separate hardware sound source was prepared to produce sounds. The sound variation was not wide, and the sound quality was not satisfactory enough. Also, depending on the hardware on the listener's side, the timbre was completely different from the intended sound, and there were various limitations and problems. Also, it was not possible to record and input a performance of a musical instrument such as an electric guitar. Even so, I felt that it was a major technological innovation in terms of being able to freely play tones to a certain extent on a computer.
As time goes by, the performance of CPUs and memories increases, and the storage capacity increases, making it possible to record directly to a computer, and the sound quality is improving with various software sound sources. With the controller shown below, I played a simple 8 beat using a drum software module called MODO DRUM (IK Multimedia). I'm down-converting to MP3. What do you think? Does it sound authentic enough?
Please turn the volume down before clicking the play button. For some reason, the maximum volume seems to be the initial default value of the form, and it seems that it can't be changed with the settings in the code side, so if you play it as it is, the song will play at maximum volume.
Please be careful!.
"Step by Step", which is the title of this site, is the first HDR song I made with the idea of going step by step without rushing. I recently remixed this into a shorter 1 minute 30 second version and you can listen to it via the controller below. Also down-converted to mp3. With mp3, depending on the environment, the high range will feel quite crisp.
I would like to introduce some songs that I made a while ago.
First track is titled "Promise". It is a work of 2019. As usual, please adjust the volume down before clicking the play button.
2 曲目は Shower Cloud。こちらも同じく 2019 年の作品です。
Second song is "Shower Cloud". This is also my 2019 work.
Third song is "My Breathing". This is her work for 2020.
---- (Correction) I'm sorry, the hyper-link destination was wrong. I put it back in correctly. (2023/07/24)
In these songs, only the electric guitar and bass guitar were recorded in line, the rest is MIDI. I will note on more details here later.
Also, including these 3 songs this time, Cubase was used as DAW. I used to use Singer Song Writer when I was dealing only with MIDI, but now I'm using Cubase since I can handle audio data. It is used by many people, and is easy to use. I am satisfied with its functionality.
This time, I would introduce a song I made in 2020 called "Shangri-La". As usual, it's only 1 minute and 30 seconds of him at the beginning, but I aimed for a large scale feeling. What do you think?
In a music creation, the last thing to worry about is always the mix. There are still many things to do in terms of experience and software and hardware, so I'm not quite satisfied. In particular, the atmosphere changes considerably depending on the hardware of the listening side, so it is difficult to make adjustments in that point. Along with that, it's hard to get the EQ, volume balance, panning, compression, etc. to work as expected. I think it's getting better recently, but I can't get rid of the feeling that it's still there. It's a state of trial and error.
It has been already July. Half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. Are you on track with what you need to do this year? Those who aren't (including me) Let's review the schedule for the remaining six months and get back on track. I hope you have no regrets...
It's getting hotter and hotter, and I think it's safe to say it's already summer. Introducing "Summer Carnival 2020". It's a song I made a long time ago, but I remixed it after reviewing various things in 2020. Since the intro is long, I becomes 1 minute and 30 seconds from the fade-in in the middle. Please listen.
DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 5)
毎日とても暑いですねぇ。かなりくたびれていますが、気を取り直していきましょう。今回は The Rigyt Way という曲をご紹介します。ポップ感があって元気が出そうな曲です。
It's very hot every day. I'm pretty tired, but let's recover. This time, I would like to introduce a song called "The Right Way". It's a song that has a pop feel and seems to cheer you up.
DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 6)
なかなか暑さが収まらない・・・というよりだんだん凄みを増してきていますが、体調管理されているでしょうか? 今回は二曲ご紹介します。
一曲目は Day Dream。けだるい感じですが、軽快感も感じられると思いますので、リラックスして聴ける曲です。
It's too hot... rather it is getting more and more amazing, but are you taking care of your physical condition?
Next song is "Day Dream". It feels sluggish, but I think you can also feel a lightness, so it's a song that you can relax and listen to.
二曲目は Universal Song といいます。かなり昔に作った曲になりますが、懐かしくも、聴く人によっては力強さを感じていただけるかもしれません。
Second song is called "Universal Song. It's a song I made a long time ago. Nostalgic, but depending on the listener, you may feel powerful.
Well, I'm introducing my songs I made before in chronological order, but I'm about halfway through. I would be happy if you could look forward to it in the future updates.
DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 7)
以降は 1 分 45 秒のパーションでご紹介いたします。今回の曲は One Twenty という、少し柔らからでポップな曲になります。リラックスして聴けると思いますので、是非聴いてみて下さい。
From this episode, I'll introduce in 1'45" version. The song this time is called "One Twenty", a slightly softer pop sound. I think you can relax and listen, so please click below for doing it.
DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 8)
さて、次の曲は Splash Mud というタイトルです。よりハードなロックを目指しましたが、どうしても 80 年代風になってしまいますねぇ。ちなみに、使用ギターは PRS Studio というモデルです。メーカーによると、「従来のシングル・シングル・ハムのギターの現代版。ミドルとネック側の位置にはナロウフィールド・ピックアップ、そして 58/15 LT ハンバッキング・ブリッジ・ピックアップを搭載した PRS Studio では、パンチの効いたシングル・コイルのサウンドやヴィンテージの中音域を抑えたトーン、ブリッジ側のハンバッカーの図太いアタック音を伴う叫びのようなサウンドが、1本の楽器で得られます。」というコメントが語られています。見た目もとても美しくて、とても気に入っています。
Well, the next song is called "Splash Mud". I aimed for harder rock sound, but it ended up looking like the 80's. By the way, the guitar used is his PRS Studio model. According to the manufacturer, "A modern take on the traditional single-single-hum guitar. Featuring narrow field pickups in the middle and neck positions, and a 58/15 LT humbucking bridge pickup, the PRS Studio delivers punchy single-coil sounds, vintage midrange muted tones, and screaming sounds with a fat attack of bridge-side humbuckers all in one instrument.”. It looks very beautiful decorative and I like it very much.
And I will introduce another song. The title is "Fu-Ru-Sa-To". I tried to put a lot of memories with my local friends into the song. It's a song that I want you to listen to deeply. I used a Gibson ES-335 guitar for this song. This guitar is widely known as a semi-acoustic guitar, and it has a soft and gentle sound.
It's been hot every day, but aren't you feeling sick? I feel like I'm approaching my limit.
The reason I started DTM was because I listened to music to relax from the bottom of my heart when I was stressed at work or something, but there weren't many songs that fulfilled the purpose. Then I thought that I should make it myself, which was the
The song I'm introducing today is called "Bring Back Memory". I think that the contrast between the main melody that feels sad and the soft chorus that has been modulated was well constructed. It cuts at 1' 45", but it's followed by my guitar solo.
DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 10)
A town in twilight。わずか三ヶ月ほどでしたけど、アメリカ、マサチューセッツ州のある町で生活していたことを思い出してこのタイトルを付けました。全体は 5 分 30 秒 の曲で、最後まで聴いていただきいのですが、今回も 1 分 45 秒 の短縮版になります。ご容赦ください。
A town in twilight. I chose this title because I remembered that I lived in a town in Massachusetts, USA although it was only about three months. The entire song is 5' 30" seconds long, and I'd like you to listen to it until the end, but this time it's also a shortened version of 1' 45" seconds long. Please pardon.
DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 11)
旧友たちと良い時間を過ごしていますか? 離れた地域にいるとなかなかそれも叶わないかもしれませんね。子供の頃から知っている友人たちと再開すると、懐かしさともにいろいろな思い出が蘇ります。そんな思いとともに作りました。My old friends are. どうぞ、お聴きください。
Are you spending quality time with old friends? That may not be possible if you live far away. Reuniting with friends you've known since childhood brings back a lot of nostalgia and memories. I made this song with that in mind. My old friends are. Please listen.
It's finally getting a little cooler. The long summer has to end soon... So, without any regrets, I would like to introduce a song from 2019 called "Love Portion". This is a song I made four years ago, but it ended up with a Latin pop feel.
By the way, this song has a total time length of 0:06:16, but here it fades out at the first 0:01:45, as usual. This is because I want to keep the file size as small as possible, but the best parts of the middle and last half of the song will be omitted. I think it's a waste, but please understand.
Now, this time, I would like to specially introduce you to the complete version of "My Song", which is the only song that I wrote and composed myself. I rarely write lyrics, but that time they came out easily. Then, I proceeded to compose the song by putting it on a phrase that suddenly came to mind, and then repeating that one phrase until the end, in order to convey the feelings of the lyrics. I think this effect, combined with the weight of the lyrics, gives the impression of a gradually approaching demonic feeling. According to records, he created it as an audio sound source in 2014, but the MIDI version is a work that was created much earlier. Please note that the lyrics are only in Japanese. By the way, I use "GACKPOID" for vocals.
It's around this time that we can feel the signs of autumn little by little. Today, I would like to introduce you to a beautiful guitar instrumental song that is perfect for this season. The title was Nature Tender. By the way, the guitar used in the song is a Gibson ES-335, a 1959 reissue custom made in Nashville. The color is cherry red. Do you like it?
It's getting a lot colder. It's November and this year is almost over. Do you have any unfinished plans? I have a lot. I'm going to look back on this year, review it, and make new plans for next year.
Now, this song is titled "Victor's Gloom". As before, I'm posting a short version of 1 minute 45 seconds.
DTM: Desktop Music (Episode 16)
次の曲は「Go for it」。軽快な感じのロックです。どうぞお聞きください。
As Christmas approaches, the illuminations seem to be getting more lively. However, I don't live in a big city, so the scenery there isn't much different than usual. Anyway, this winter has been warm... It looks like it will be colder than normal from next week. Please take care not to catch a cold.
The next song is "Go for it". It's a light rock. Please listen.